Sunday, June 10, 2018


Ayurveda is an integral system of a human life and with a healthy Dincharya it makes the span of time that everyone of us live everyday complete.

We are well versed with our traditional methods to lead a clean and prosperous life but due to our carelessness and freedom to know more we fall short in our bucket of actions that takes us through the roller coaster of an unbalanced and unwilling spaces during the day which results in los of health, mind and peace.

To keep us from deviation we must follow the very basics of "Ayurveda and Dincharya" that will help us to make a connection with oneself and with nature in a way that we will feel a deep connection with ourselves and become capable of being happy all the way through.

The daily regime or routine must be our primary goal to keep ourself happy and build a bond in a manner that we can reflect to during the day when we feel short of activities or reflect to when we are pleased by what we have achieved during the day. It is the simple day to day activity which makes our "Karma" and completes the task of our duty of giving back to and making for us.

The sync between our soul and our happiness lies in simplicity with care and affection!

There are a few simple habits that we might develop to keep ourselves up in the process of living happier and healthier. Our Dincharya- Din means "day" and Charya means "to follow" along with Ayurveda- the traditional hindu system of medicine has a few simple tasks that might might adopt in our everyday routine so that we build ourself strong and make it a healthy community with a balanced and a complete life. Thus, following our traditions along with growing in time.


1. Wake up early in the morning.
2. Drink a glass of warm water in the morning.
3. Eat a green leaf (tulsi, mint).
4. Practice simple exercise that sweats enough to make you      strong and healthy.
5. Eat proper meals. (A whole diet in a controlled                          manner will keep you active and connected with yourself)
6. Work on your schedules diligently. (It is important to                focus on what you do for all students and professionals        for it gives us insight and knowledge and makes us                complete)
7. Take a walk.
8. Listen to music, dance, talk to people, visit gathering              (Become a part of the society)
9. Read and write for pleasure (It help us to build a                      connection with our roots and friends and helps you to          see how you have grown up)

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